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Business Psychologist

Elena Gorokhova Expert in Business Psychoanalysis The entire Foresight Session lasts 1 month and includes: ▪️ In-depth interview with the leader (2-3 hours meeting for goal setting) ▪️ General meeting with the team/members of the strategy session (2-3 hours for diagnostics) ▪️ Foresight session on a fixed date and time, with a video (within a month) ▪️ Individual development plan for a year (psychoanalytic, in-depth) Payment under the contract by transfer to the corporate account.

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Why does business need psychology?

All business queries essentially boil down to two themes: ▪️ Pursuit of growth, development, and scaling Development as the creation of higher level order. This requires qualitatively new thinking, hyperthinking - as a supersystemic vision ▪️ Striving for order, reducing chaos, creating a highly organized form of order out of chaos, where chaos/uncertainty is a friend, not an enemy.

Business is always two levels: 1.Conscious manifestation (figures, reports, real situations, relationships with employees, clients, government agencies, etc.). 2. unconscious processes (beliefs, thoughts, fears, chaos).

If you solve the problem on two levels - it is always more effective and faster, i.e. saving money and time!

The future of your company is determined by your vision: "How do I want it to be?!", acquire the skill to hold it and actualize it.

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